Morning Arrival
Campers are dropped off at camp between 8:40 and 9:05 AM. Our campuses feature valet arrival, so a Staff Member will greet you and your child at the car to check them in at our welcome area. Please follow the driving directions for your campus, and obey all posted traffic signs and instructions from camp Staff on site.
If you are arriving for extended hours, please follow the same procedure for dropping off your child during morning arrival. You will be asked to sign-in your child at the welcome area. Campers spend their time before the regular arrival window participating in a variety of supervised activities.
If your child is going to be absent from camp for any reason, please call or text your campus. Any unreported absences may be verified by phone by a Camp Director.
Morning Meeting
Our day begins with Campers and Counselors meeting up in their designated gathering space. Groups check-in, have their attendance taken, drop-off their lunch and personal gear, and discuss the day’s schedule, activities, event, or trip.
Once all of our groups are checked in, the Program Director shares the morning announcements, and then calls for volunteers to participate in our daily Breakout!® Challenge.
Campers or Staff Members represent their groups in a fun, high energy competition designed to get everyone excited for the camp day, with the winning group getting the privilege to be sent off to their first activity of the day ahead of the other groups.
Daily Schedule
Each of our Camper Programs follows their own daily schedule, including a variety of planned activities designed to provide Campers with a variety of physical, fun, creative, and artistic opportunities throughout the day.
Activities are 35 minutes, and they are balanced between indoor and outdoor spaces on campus. Some activities are offered on a daily basis, while others may be offered at various times during the week or summer.
Special Events, Theme Days, and Traditions
In addition to our amazing activities, Campers also look forward to a variety of special events, theme days, and traditions, which are scheduled on each campus’ calendar. These activities may be offered for one or more programs, based on the Campers’ age, ability and developmental level. Events, themes, and traditions are subject to change.
Off Campus
As Long Island’s neighborhood camp, we love venturing off campus to visit the amazing venues our island has to offer, including wonderful field trips to some of the most popular childhood destinations. Field trips are scheduled on each campus’ calendar, and are specific to each Camper Program, indicated by our trip icons. Groups travel off campus in chartered, air-conditioned school buses.
- TT – Tiny Tots®
- KK – KinderKamp®
- 12 – 1st & 2nd Graders
- 34 – 3rd & 4th Graders
- 56 – 5th & 6th Graders
- 78 – 7th & 8th Graders
- $ – Indicated an optional bonus trip / additional fee will apply
It wouldn’t be summer without swimming! Our Campers love visiting our local community pools for recreational swim on a weekly basis. On scheduled swim days, our programs have access to the full amenities of the pool facility, as long as the Campers are in water that is less than chest deep.
Our Campers are considered recreational “non-swimmers” while at camp. Our Staff Members at the pool facility are led by our Aquatics Director, and assisted by American Red Cross certified Pool Activity Leaders. Our Group Leaders monitor the waterfront from the pool deck, and Counselors are physically in the water supervising Campers.
The Buddy System is in place at all times, with buddy checks conducted at least every 15 minutes.
Swim Testing
Campers who wish to be swim tested may do so using our approved testing provider before the camp season begins. Campers classified as “swimmers” are able to enter water that is less than chin deep. Learn more about swim testing options for camp.
Campers are picked up from camp between 4:00 and 5:10 PM. Our campuses feature valet dismissal, so a Staff Member will greet you at the car, check your ID, and call for your child to be brought to the departure area. Please follow the driving directions for your campus, and obey all posted traffic signs and instructions from camp Staff on site.
If your child is staying late for extended hours, please follow the same procedure for picking up your child during afternoon dismissal. You will be asked to sign-out your child at the departure area. Campers spend their time after the regular dismissal window participating in a variety of supervised activities.
Authorized Adults for Dismissal
Family members (e.g. parents, guardians, etc.) listed in your child’s camp record (CampInTouch) are authorized to pick them up from camp with a valid government issued photo ID. Additional authorized adults may be added to your child’s record via CampInTouch or by calling, texting, or emailing your campus. Authorized adults must be over 18 years of age, and must be able to present a valid government issued photo ID.